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Get INSTANT Control Of Your Profits With Our Masterclass To Unlock FREE Automated Leads & Sales With 1on1 Guidance From Your Own Personal Advisor

Warning: This training is only available for a limited time. Watch it now!


Ready for the next level? Get premium training + $1,066 worth of FREE 4 bonuses when you sign up today!

Click Here Now To SAVE 80% TODAY!

Here's Everything You Get When You Order Today!

  • FREE Bonus #1: Your Own Personal Success Advisor - A trained consultant who will guide you through the process, assist you in personalizing your Guaranteed Growth and equip you with everything you need to reach your full potential. ($200 / HR Value)
  • Step 1: The Profitalize Orientation - A training that introduces you to our core philosophy here at Profitalize. It will also provide you with verifiable proof of our strategies producing real world results for 1000's of businesses. Which is why we believe this is the best path for any entrepreneur or business owner. ($199 Value)
  • Step 2: The Guaranteed Growth Masterclass: A 3 hour video training class that guides you through creating your personalized Guaranteed Growth Path & breaks down step-by-step how to transform your business using real strategies that took me from drowning in debt to making over $5M dollars! ($199 Value)
  • Step 3: 90 Day Scaling Plan A 2 hour video training class that takes everything you learn inside the masterclass and shows you how to use it to successfully scale your  business in 90 days, guaranteed. ($199 Value)
  • FREE Bonus #2: The Time Freedom Roadmap - A Digital PDF document that visually outlines the process you're going to follow as we help you create a personalized Guaranteed Growth and equip you with everything you need to reach your full potential and save your time by being more efficient. ($49 Value)
  • FREE Bonus #3: The Profitalize Community - An invitation to join our private community of entrepreneurs who are driving physical, personal, and professional growth through the Platform. ($199 Value)
  • FREE Bonus #4: The Profit Jumpstart - A training designed for you to be able to quickly and easily generate additional income & profits in a few simple steps. ($199 Value)
  • 30 Day 'Keep It All' Money Back Guarantee - We’re so confident this training will change your life that if you're not satisfied within 30 days, we'll refund your money and let you keep the $1,791 worth of training and bonuses free as our gift to you.

“This Guaranteed Growth System Took Me From Living In Someone Else's BASEMENT In Welfare Apartments To $5M Business And Completely Transformed My Life"

Hi, my name is Jon Weberg

...and before 2017, I was down and out

I was a barely out of high school kid, just trying to succeed as an entrepreneur.

In 2017 I gambled with my life savings, traveling across the US trying to "appear as an authority",... right before the global economy crashed in the "Covid Times".

Within a year I had lost everything.

Now I wasn’t just a struggling entrepreneur… I was down to my last $56 in the bank, my girlfriend left me, and my business was failing.

I had officially found rock bottom.

So like a lot of people do, I started looking online for a way to earn more with my business and after what seemed like an endless wild goose chase of going down a hundred rabbit holes, I finally found some real training that ACTUALLY WORKED…

Since then, I’ve lived with ZERO debut, built a $5 million dollar business, got a great new girlfriend,, started working out again, and generally just turned my life around in every way...

...but the HARD Truth is, it’s taken me a DECADE of trial and error to get to where I am today.

However, my goal is to change that for YOU. I want to take my own struggles and turn them into WINS for you!

So here’s what I’ve done…

I’ve taken all those years of failure, success, wisdom, knowledge and insight and forged them into a module video training called the Guaranteed Growth Masterclass.

This brand new training is the result of the lessons that I’ve mastered through my journey to creating personal, physical, and professional excellence…

...and once you're inside, I'll take you by the hand and walk you through the exact steps you can take to transform every aspect of your life, just like I did.

If you want to skip all the details and just dive right into the training...


Click The Button Below To Unlock Your 80% Discount (Plus Get $1,066 worth of FREE Training and Bonuses)


Here's What People Are Saying In The
Comments Inside The Training...

This is the same 3-step shortcut system that our clients from all over America and around the world are now using to unlock their full potential…

And in turn grow their dream business faster than ever before…

While being able to start without having to leave their full-time job or “burn the bridges”...

And finally create business assets that they can enjoy in this lifetime AND pass on to generations to come.

Like Dalia Lourenco Who Finally Has A Sales Process Bringing in Customers Every Day


And not only that, her passion has been re-ignited!

She kept her life balance while building her business and gained 25 new customers in the process.

Even her friends and family are commenting on her new outlook, saying this is the happiest they have ever seen her!

This Is Antonio Boffanuso, Who Is An Agency Owner & Finally Closing 58% of His Leads Into High Ticket Customers 


Here’s Josh Cousins, Who Went From Having Zero Follow Up In Place … To Having Automated Follow Up That Gets Buyers Every Day!


And Here’s Daniel Doan, Who Is A Copywriter That Increased His Profits 78% From The First 30 Minutes Of Our Training


Dalia, Antonio, Josh, And Daniel Are A Group Of Over 2,293+ Of New Wave Entrepreneurs Who Are Doing Things Seemingly “Backwards”…

Yet, even with all of this proof that what we want IS possible for us…

There are still people who will say...

“Yeah, these people can do it. But that can’t be real for me.”

And every time I hear it…

It breaks my heart.

Because I know as many people who will say YES to finding their Success Path…

There will be millions who say NO.

And they won’t be saying no to me - they’ll be saying no to themselves.

And you know what?

I don’t blame them.

Because society today is so rooted in doubt, cynicism, skepticism, and mistrust…

It’s sewn into our collective psyche by the fact that teachers, bosses, and bankers…

Have lied to us about what it takes to live an amazing life.

If you’re like me, you trusted the system… and you got burned.

Instead of being taught how to THRIVE in the modern economy…

We were taught how to barely SURVIVE in outdated and broken systems.

So We Decided To Flip Things “Upside-Down” And Go Against Every Traditional Advice You’ve Been Told


And you can be SURE…

Our entrepreneurial education is unlike anything you’ve heard from anybody else...

This is different because most people unfortunately get trapped into misinformation and traps like…

Getting stuck with a complicated business with lots of moving parts…

Risking huge amounts of capital upfront to start a business…

Getting sold a “mentorship” but ended up with a bunch of videos and no personal support…

Starting a business that they hate running just because they were told it X would make good money… but it’s misaligned with who they truly are

Trying to do everything alone…

And the list goes on…

In fact, we do things completely opposite to everyone else in our industry…

Instead We Discover Our Client’s Success DNA™ And Help Our Clients Grow Their Business At Hyper Speed - Based On Their Personal Attributes...


Like I said…

This has the power to change how you view entrepreneurship forever…

Because it changed everything for me and the people that have used it.

This model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to entrepreneurship.


Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside The
Guaranteed Growth Masterclass…

"This is everything you need to create your dream business"

The Guaranteed Growth Masterclass is split into three bite-sized steps. Now, I want to make it clear that this is by design. Because after serving thousands of men and women from all walks of life, we’ve found that this is the most seamless way to give you the knowledge you need so you can start growing your business and fuel your EPIC life as quickly as possible.

Here Are The Three Simple Steps Inside The Guaranteed Growth Masterclass:

  •  Step 1: The Profitalize Orientation

    This part of the training is all about what it means to be an entrepreneur. I’m going to give you real proof so you can see why entrepreneurs make the most money, why they live happier lives and why this is so much better than a regular job if you want to reach your full potential.


  •  Step 2: The Guaranteed Growth Masterclass

    Now this 3 hour Masterclass reveals everything I know, everything I wish I knew when I started and the secret to building a business that fuels an EPIC life.

    Because far too many people think business is all about money in, money out. But I think it’s much better to have a business that lets you and your loved ones live the life you deserve.

    So you’ll see the exact strategies that not only made me financially happy, with $50M generated online, but that also transformed my personal, physical and professional life.


  •  Step 3: How To Hyper Scale Your Dream Business In 90 Days (Guaranteed)

    This 2 hour video training will show you how to use everything you’ve learned to successfully launch your dream business in 90 days, guaranteed.

    This isn’t just a traditional business plan you might present to a bank or investor. Those put me to sleep.

    I’m giving you a step-by-step plan for how you can optimize your life, launch your business, and reach your full potential using all the resources we have available here at Profitalize.

    This launch plan is tailor-made to fit you. Your needs. Your goals. And your passions.

    Ultimately, this will help fuel the life of your dreams.


“But Jon, I’m Ready To Start Earning Right Now…”

Look I get it. I’ve been there. Which is why a huge chunk of the Guaranteed Growth Masterclass is dedicated to showing you the THREE Digital Profit Hacks which can make you which can not only upgrade your yearly take home and 10X your current revenue but also enjoy the process.

But the problem is, if you dive right in and start growing your business right away then you probably won’t build something that stands the test of time.

Trust me, if you get these three foundations right first, you’ll have the best chance of growing a business that fuels your life for years to come… not just a few months.

All the business strategies I teach fit into a very special category that makes them the most powerful ways for building a LONG TERM, stable business that can fund your lifestyle for years to come.


These THREE Foundations Give You The Best Chance Of Building Your DREAM Business…

  •  Lesson 1: "The '3 Ps' Of Success”

    There's far more to having an epic life than just making more money (even though that's the only thing most people think is missing). Personal, Physical, and Professional excellence are what make up the foundation of a great life and I’ve spent years perfecting and teaching strategies anyone can use to design the life they want and to then make this their reality.

    This first lesson sets the stage for what a truly epic life looks like and shows you how the amazing world of online business can help bring you closer to your goals and dreams.


  •  Lesson 2: "The '3 Legs' Of Successful Action"

    You know those people who seem to become successful at whatever they do? People who don't just talk about doing things (most of the time they don't talk much at all) instead they go out and take action. These successful ACTION takers change their lives and they even change the world —there’s just so much to learn from them.

    Which is why this lesson explains the 3 things many of the most successful action takers in the world do time and time again. Because when we know how to take action then problems like procrastination, burn out and those pesky roadblocks that have held you back in the past suddenly disappear.


  •  Lesson 3: "The '3 Phases' Of Building A Legacy"

    Depending on where you are in your life you may not even be thinking long term. You may just be focused on making ends meet right now. If that’s you, don’t worry, I was the same way.

    So I’m going to help you build an epic life with the long term in mind. I want your kids and their kids and their kids to benefit from the work you’re going to do with me. Which is why this lesson shows you how the three different business hacks were going to build can actually work together to create a lasting legacy and true wealth.

So that’s the first part of the training - the foundation.


Let Me Show You The Profit Hacks I’ve Used To Dig Myself Out Of My $86 Bank Account & 20 Year Old Car… And Generate Over $5 Million Online.

These business models still power my life today.

The models I teach fit into a very special category of powerful ways for building a LONG TERM, reliable business that can fund your lifestyle for years to come.


I refer to these strategies as “Digital Profit Hacks”

No, I’m not talking about building a business with something like cryptocurrency, NFTs, investment schemes or anything risky or complicated like that.

Digital Profit Hacks are like ethically using other people's audiences to build your own.. One you can set up once, then “rent out” to as many people as you want. One person or one million – all paying the same “rent”.

My first digital asset cost me pennies to set up and people are still paying me monthly to access it. I stopped trading time for money on the spot. I’ve since expanded and now my digital assets have exploded. In 2021 my main business pulled in over $5 million and we're growing like crazy.

I guarantee you won’t find this being taught in any other training course online. It’s one of the secrets to long term success that I discovered on my journey and I only share it inside this training.


These Are The THREE Most Profitable "Hacks" I’ve Discovered That Are Built To Thrive In Today’s Modern Economy…

  • Lesson 4: How To Build The ULTIMATE Referral Business

    This is the business that originally helped me replace my income as a painter. It set me on the path to gain massive success online and it’s the reason I could finally make a comfortable living from home. The best part is that by using this business model it meant I didn’t have to create my own products, invest in inventory or hire any employees. All I needed was my laptop and the Internet. In this training, I’ll show you everything you need to know.

  • Lesson 5: How To Build The ULTIMATE Services Business

    After learning the ropes I launched my very own ULTIMATE Services Business. Here’s why this is great, it’s a business model where you can earn thousands of dollars in monthly residual income for every new client you bring on board. I was able to build rock solid financial security for my family with this model. The business also became a sellable asset that generated cash flow every single month without me doing any of the work of delivering the services myself. I’ll show you how all of this works inside the training. 


  • Lesson 6: How To Build The ULTIMATE Legacy Business

    This is where I’m focused the most at this point in my entrepreneurial journey. After building multiple successful businesses, I knew I wanted to do something HUGE that would impact people’s lives all over the world and leave a legacy not only for me and my family, but for generations to come. Inside the training, I’ll show you how I’ve been able to take everything I’ve learned on my journey to create the ultimate legacy business. You’ll learn exactly how this business works and how it’s possible to create something that will benefit your loved ones for years.

That's just the beginning...

As you can tell, I'm on a mission to help as many people as possible build the awesome lives they desire and I truly believe the Guaranteed Growth Masterclass is the #1 way to achieve that.

This is going to be like nothing you've ever experienced before, I promise you that. I respect that investing in the Guaranteed Growth Masterclass is a big decision for you, your family, and your future, so the decision you make today isn’t going to be taken lightly.

I'm going to do everything in my power to make that decision pay off, which is why I'm going to give you these very special bonuses to assist you on your journey.


Get THREE Special Bonuses
(Valued At $1,294) Absolutely FREE!

I want this decision to be a no-brainer for you.

That’s why I’m giving you SIX special bonuses (Valued at $894) absolutely FREE when you grab your copy of the Guaranteed Growth Masterclass training today.

FREE BONUS #1 ($200 Per Hour Value)
A 1-On-1 Success Advisor & Coaching Calls To Help Transform Your Business

The Profitalize Success advisors are experts at helping people start and succeed at digital businesses. Each advisor is hand selected for both his or her personal results online and experience helping others.

These are real people with real experience. They will get on the phone and walk you through the Guaranteed Growth Masterclass training, helping you customize your path and business plan! You’ll never see this level of personal coaching at this price - anywhere!

FREE BONUS #2 ($189 Value)
The Profitalize Success Roadmap

This roadmap helps you drill down and focus on your personal strengths, talents, desires and dreams. The result is an even more refined Success Path for you to follow!

FREE BONUS #3 ($399 Value)
The Profitalize Income Jumpstart Training

In this training, you’ll discover how you can let others know about the Guaranteed Growth Masterclass… and get paid for it!

We’ll show you how you can not only cover your investment but potentially make much more. You’ll be able to impact the lives of those who haven’t yet discovered their Success Path.

You Get Our 30 Day 'Keep It All' Money Back Guarantee

Listen, we’re so confident this training will transform your life, that after 30 days, you’re either THRILLED with the awesome life this bundle helps you create or...we will give you a full refund if it doesn’t.

Just send us one email and we’ll immediately refund your money.

On top of our money back guarantee, we’ll even let you keep the $1,466 worth of training and bonuses completely free as our goodwill gift to you.

Yes, this bundle either gives you everything we promise on this page or you get your money back AND you get to keep all the bonuses for free.

That’s right, you get to try out everything I’ve mentioned here today with no risk thanks to our 30 day “Keep It All” Money Back Guarantee.

Truth is, you can’t find this information anywhere else. I’ve checked.

The value of everything I’m offering you today is over $1,000 if you include Guaranteed Growth Masterclass and all the training and bonuses.

No tricks. No hidden fees. None of that. All yours for just $39.

$1,466 Bundle Yours FREE Right Now!

Limited Time Only!


Why Am I Practically 'Giving' This All Away?

The truth is that in 2018 - I sat around a table with my team and we decided what the future of Profitalize was going to be. I had to decide “WHO” I was and my mission in the World.

That day, I decided that my entire life would be devoted to coaching, training and guiding aspiring ENTREPRENEURS and anyone looking to create a better life.

I wanted to give millions hope that they could take back control of their own lives while creating a more secure future for themselves and for their loved ones.

So, why is all this only $39?

Because that’s the EASIEST way to convince someone to give themselves a chance. I want to REMOVE any and all risk. All I want right now is for YOU and I to start a relationship.

I’m confident that once you watch this training - you’ll allow us to continue training you at a deeper level. I want to help you get your start and see you grow into a successful Entrepreneur.

But, for now, as long as you cover the small fee of $39 - this training and all the free bonuses will be instantly accessible inside your brand new Profitalize Nation account.

So, there you go. Nothing but brutal honesty. I’m practically giving away this training because I want to make it easy for you and I to start our relationship right now.

It’s our mission here at Profitalize to do whatever we can to make YOUR Entrepreneurial Journey as easy as possible.

But, you’ll have to step forward. You’ll have to take the next step - all we ask is that you cover the tiny amount for this training and show us you’re committed to success.


Here's Everything You Get When You Order Today!

  • Step 1: The Entrepreneur Orientation - A training that introduces you to our core philosophy here at Profitalize. It will also provide you with verifiable proof that entrepreneurs statistically make the most money and have the best lives, which is why we believe this is the best path for anyone who wants to reach their full potential. ($199 Value)
  • Step 2: The Guaranteed Growth Masterclass: A 3 hour video training class that guides you through creating your personalized Guaranteed Growth Path & breaks down step-by-step how to transform your life personally, professionally, and in business.  These real strategies that took me from drowning in debt to making over $5M dollars! ($199 Value)
  • Step 3: 90 Day Scaling Plan A 2 hour video training class that takes everything you learn inside the masterclass and shows you how to use it to successfully scale your  business in 90 days, guaranteed. ($199 Value)
  • FREE Bonus #1: Your Own Personal Success Advisor - A trained consultant who will guide you through the process, assist you in personalizing your Guaranteed Growth and equip you with everything you need to reach your full potential. ($499 Value)
  • FREE Bonus #2: The Time Freedom Roadmap - A Digital PDF document that visually outlines the process you're going to follow as we help you create a personalized Guaranteed Growth and equip you with everything you need to reach your full potential and save your time by being more efficient. ($49 Value)
  • FREE Bonus #3: The Profitalize Community - An invitation to join our private community of entrepreneurs who are driving physical, personal, and professional growth through the Platform. ($199 Value)
  • FREE Bonus #4: The Profit Jumpstart - A training designed for you to be able to quickly and easily generate additional income & profits in a few simple steps. ($199 Value)
  • 30 Day 'Keep It All' Money Back Guarantee - We’re so confident this training will change your life that if you're not satisfied within 30 days, we'll refund your money and let you keep the $1,791 worth of training and bonuses free as our gift to you.

About Jon Weberg

Over the last 12 years, Jon has built multiple successful online businesses that generate millions of dollars per year in sales and has also founded a top 1% consulting agency which has helped generate 100's of millions of dollars in sales for its clients.

Jon is well known in the online business community and has shown over 150,000 people how to create an awesome life and build their own successful businesses.

This site is not a part of the Facebook and/or Google Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook and/or Google in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. ABOUT THE TRAINING: Entre Institute is a company dedicated to helping people achieve their self-education, and self-employment goals.

We provide quality online training programs to people who seek freedom of time, and freedom of location. At the end of the training, there will be a special offer for people to gain access to a program that will help implement what they learn on the training and more. This is completely optional. The training video lasts about 15 minutes and if you don’t want the program, you can leave without purchasing anything.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. There is absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions. REFUND POLICY: The discounted price of the Profitalize video training course is $39.00. Profitalize complies with the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (full document, backup) in the warranty (aka Refund Policy) that it offers consumers of its product/s. The full text of the refund policy is available online by clicking here.